Hello! You can call me Goo. I am just a cryptid who loves to draw, paint, and have stories just swirl in my brain (until I jot them down of course).
My birthday is on June 13 and you can refer me to any pronouns. As for my age... well, let's just say I'm old.

I love a lot of things: Nature, animals, food, music, history, retroware, and low poly graphics!

I am a Chinese-Filipino who is born in the Philippines and moved to the US when I was a wee lil' kid. In order to escape from the cultural change that I was experiencing. I started drawing a lot of mermaids and magical girls. My coping mechanism slowly turned into a passion and it gave me plenty of opportunities to learn even more in my academics. Even though studying fine art was grueling, I met a lot of wonderful people offline and online! Now that school has been a closed chapter in my life for a while, my journey to share my work is just beginning!

As of recent, I have been working on two comics that mainly focus on character growth.
(You can refer to those on my "Works" page). I hope to try various story-telling media once they are done (a game maybe?!).

Other than doing artsy stuff, I enjoy cooking, being casual at video games, watching history documentaries, and recently I have been gardening! I suppose relearning how to make websites count as a hobby too! :^P

If you would like to know where I am on the web, you can check out this page